- For a worldwide registry of most companies engaged in any type of financial transaction (stocks, bonds, derivatives, foreign exchange, etc.) see Legal Entity Identifier
A company register is a register of organizations in the jurisdiction they operate under. The following is an incomplete list of company registers by country:
New York LLC - Formation Documents (online filing) - Step-by-step instructions: https://www.llcuniversity.com/new-york-llc/forms/ To form an LLC in New York, file your Articles of Organization with the Department of ...
- Afghanistan Investment Support Agency â€" Company Verification
- Minister of Commerce and Industries â€" Central Business Registry
- National Business Center (Qendra Kombetare e Biznesit)
- The National Center of The Trade Register (Centre National du Registre du Commerce (CNRC)) (in French) (registration required)
- Oficina de Marques
- Ministry of Justice and Human Rights â€" Central Register of Business Names (Ficheiro Central de Denominações Sociais) (not searchable) (in Portuguese)
- Ministry of Finance â€" Registry of State Suppliers (registration required) (in Portuguese)
- Anguilla Financial Services â€" Anguilla Commercial Online Registration Network (ACORN) (registration required)
Antigua and Barbuda
- Financial Services Regulatory Commission (not searchable)
- Ministry of Justice and Human Rights (in Spanish)
- Official Gazette (Click on "Sociedades") (in Spanish)
- Federal Administration of Public Revenue â€" tax identification number (CUIT) check (in Spanish)
- National Securities Commission â€" Issuers
- National Procurement Office â€" Providers (in Spanish)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship â€" Directory of Importers/Exporters (in Spanish)
- Ministry of Justice â€" State Register of the Legal Entities
- Tax Service â€" Taxpayers
- Central Bank of Armenia â€" Listed Companies (in Armenian)
- Aruba Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission â€" Search ASIC Registers
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission â€" Datasets
- Australian Business Register â€" Australian Business Number Lookup
- Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations â€" Search Corporations
- Firmenbuch (in German) Information on accessing the official corporate registry
- Wiener Zeitung â€" Firmenmonitor (company notices) (in German)
- Financial Market Authority â€" Supervised Companies
- Ministry of Taxes â€" State Register of Business Entities (in Azerbaijani)
- Ministry of Taxes â€" Businesses engaged in production (in Azerbaijani)
- Registrar General's Department
- Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms
- Ministry of Industry & Commerce
- Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry â€" Members Search
- Central Bank of Bahrain â€" CBB Register
- Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office â€" Registrants
- Ministry of Justice â€" Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs (In Russian)
- Crossroads Bank for Enterprises
- Federal Public Service Justice â€" Enterprise Search (in French)
- National Bank of Belgium â€" Central Balance Sheet Office
- Financial Services and Markets Authority â€" Public companies register (STORI)
- International Business Companies Registry of Belize
- Ministry of Industry, Trade, Small and Medium Enterprises â€" Business Registry (GUFE) (in French)
- Ministry of Industry, Trade, Small and Medium Enterprises â€" Company Announcements (in French)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Directory of Businesses (in French)
- Registrar of Companies
- Ministry of Economic Affairs (not searchable)
- Registry of Commerce (Fundempresa) (in Spanish)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and BrÄko District of Bosnia and Herzegovina â€" Registers of Business Entities
- Republika Srpska â€" Registers of Business Entities
- Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and BrÄko District â€" Registry of Securities â€" Issuers
- Republika Srpska â€" Central Registry of Securities â€" Issuers
- Ministry of Trade and Industry
- BM&F Bovespa â€" Listed Companies
- Ministry of Finance â€" Federal Revenue â€" Legal entity tax identification number (CNPJ) search (in Portuguese)
State registries
- Department of Business Registration and Integration (DREI) â€" Map of commercial registries (juntas comerciais) (in Portuguese)
British Virgin Islands
- Financial Services Commission â€" Registry of Corporate Affairs (not searchable)
- Brunei Attorney General's Chamber
- Bulgarian trade register (in Bulgarian)
- Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Trade Register
- Ministry of justice Commercial register
Burkina Faso
- House of Enterprises (Maison de l'Entreprise) â€" Company search (in French)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry (in French)
- Investment Promotion Authority (not searchable)
- Ministry of Commerce â€" Company Search
- Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Crafts (CCIMA) â€" Company Directory (in French)
- Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Crafts (CCIMA) â€" Database of Industrial Enterprises (in French)
- Ministry of Economy, Planning, and Regional Development â€" Business Directory (Annuaire des entreprises)
- National Institute of Statistics â€" List of companies (in French)
- Corporations Canada â€" Search for a Federal Corporation
- Industry Canada â€" Canadian Company Capabilities
Provincial and territorial registries
Cape Verde
- Official Gazette (subscription required) (in Portuguese)
Cayman Islands
- General Registry (subscription required)
- Cayman Islands Monetary Authority â€" Search for Entities
Central African Republic
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry (in French)
- Ministry for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (in French)
- Registry of Commerce of Santiago (in Spanish)
- Official gazette (in Spanish)
- Securities and Insurance Supervisor (in Spanish)
- Ministry of Finance â€" Directory of Providers (in Spanish)
China, People's Republic of
- State Administration for Industry and Commerce â€" Enterprise credit information system (in Chinese)
- Credit China (in Chinese)
- Ministry of Commerce â€" Corporate Credit Rating System (in Chinese)
- State Administration of Taxation â€" Corporate credit rating inquiry (in Chinese)
Provincial, sub-provincial and municipal registries
- Anhui Province â€" Anhui Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Hefei â€" Hefei Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Beijing â€" Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Chongqing â€" Chongqing Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Chongqing â€" Chongqing Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Fujian Province â€" Fujian Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Fujian Province â€" Fujian Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Fuzhou â€" Fuzhou Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Xiamen â€" Xiamen Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Gansu Province â€" Gansu Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Guangdong Province â€" Guangdong Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Guangzhou â€" Guangzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Guangzhou â€" Guangzhou Commercial Registration Information (in Chinese)
- Shenzhen â€" Market Supervision Administration of Shenzhen Municipality (in Chinese)
- Shenzhen â€" Shenzhen Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Guangxi Province â€" Guangxi Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Guizhou Province â€" Guizhou Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Guizhou Province â€" Guizhou Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Guiyang â€" Guiyang Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Hainan Province â€" Hainan Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Hebei Province â€" Hebei Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Heilongjiang Province â€" Heilongjiang Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Heilongjiang Province â€" Heilongjiang Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Harbin â€" Harbin Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Henan Province â€" Henan Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Hubei Province â€" Hubei Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Wuhan - Wuhan Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Hunan Province â€" Hunan Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Hunan Province â€" Hunan Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Inner Mongolia â€" Inner Mongolia Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Inner Mongolia â€" Inner Mongolia Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Jiangsu Province -â€" Jiangsu Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Wuxi â€" Wuxi Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Jiangxi Province â€" Jiangxi Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Jilin Province â€" Jilin Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Liaoning Province â€" Liaoning Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Liaoning Province â€" Liaoning Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Dalian â€" Dalian Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Dandong â€" Dandong Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Shenyang â€" Shenyang Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region â€" Ningxia Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Qinghai Province â€" Qinghai Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Shaanxi Province â€" Shaanxi Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Shaanxi Province â€" Shaanxi enterprise credit information system (in Chinese)
- Xi'an â€" Xi'an Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Shandong Province â€" Shandong Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Dongying â€" Dongying Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Qingdao â€" Qingdao Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Weihai â€" Weihai Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Shanghai â€" Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Shanxi Province â€" Shanxi Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Sichuan Province â€" Sichuan Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Sichuan Province â€" Sichuan Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Chengdu â€" Chengdu Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Tianjin â€" Tianjin City Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Binhai - Binhai company search (in Chinese)
- Tibet Autonomous Region â€" Tibet Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region â€" Xinjiang Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Yunnan Province â€" Yunnan Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Kunming â€" Kunming Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Zhejiang Province â€" Zhejiang Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Zhejiang Province â€" Zhejiang Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
- Hangzhou â€" Hangzhou Administration for Industry and Commerce (in Chinese)
- Hangzhou â€" Hangzhou Enterprise Credit Information System (in Chinese)
Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Integrated Companies Registry Information System (ICRIS) â€" Companies Register
- Inland Revenue Department â€" Business Registration Number Enquiry
- Securities and Futures Commission â€" Public Register of Licensed Persons and Registered Institutions
- Government Printing Bureau
- Directorate of Justice Affairs Services (not searchable)
- Ministry of Economic Affairs â€" Company Registration Enquiry (in Chinese)
- Ministry of Economic Affairs â€" Business registration lists (in Chinese)
- Ministry of Economic Affairs â€" Business registration lists (by municipality) (in Chinese)
- Ministry of Economic Affairs â€" List of Taiwanese companies in mainland China (in Chinese)
- Ministry of Economic Affairs â€" List of Taiwanese companies doing business outside of Taiwan (in Chinese)
- Ministry of Economic Affairs â€" List of non-Taiwanese companies registered in Taiwan (in Chinese)
- Taiwan Stock Exchange â€" Market Observation Post System
- Unified Commercial and Social Registry (RUES) (in Spanish)
- Superintendency of Corporations â€" Business Check (in Spanish)
- Superintendency of Corporations â€" Business Check (in Spanish) (additional company details)
- Superintendency of Corporations â€" SIREM Company Search (in Spanish)
- Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia â€" Comprehensive Stock Market Information System (SIMEV) (in Spanish)
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
- Ministry of Justice and Human Rights â€" Business Registry (Guichet unique) (in French)
- Steering Committee for Business Climate and Investment Improvement (not searchable) (in French)
Congo, Republic of the
- National Center for Statistics and Economic Studies (in French) - Click on "Base de données"
- Official gazette (in French)
Cook Islands
- Financial Supervisory Commission â€" Registrar's Office (not searchable)
Costa Rica
- National Registry (registration required) (in Spanish)
- General Directorate Of Taxation (DGT) â€" Company check (in Spanish)
- Government Procurement System â€" Provider search (in Spanish)
Côte d'Ivoire
- Center for Investment Promotion â€" Company search (in French)
- Croatian Company Directory (Biznet)
- Ministry of Justice â€" Business Register (in Croatian)
- Chamber of Economy â€" Export Directory (in Croatian)
- National Office of Statistics â€" Registries (in Spanish)
- Curaçao Chamber of Commerce & Industry
- Department of the Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver
Czech Republic
- Ministry of Justice â€" Business register search (in Czech)
- Ministry of Finance â€" Register of economic entities
- Ministry of Industry and Trade â€" Trade Licensing Register (in English) (Czech version has additional detail)
- Central Business Register
- Financial Supervisory Authority â€" Enterprises under supervision
Danish realms
- Faroe Islands â€" Company Registration Authority
- Greenland â€" Greenland Business Register (GER) (in Danish)
- Office of Industrial Property and Commerce (ODPIC) â€" Official Bulletin (in French)
- Companies and Intellectual Property Office â€" Name search
Dominican Republic
- Generate Directorate of Internal Revenue (DGII) â€" Tax-paying companies search (in Spanish)
- Generate Directorate of Internal Revenue (DGII) â€" Companies without operations (in Spanish)
- National Office of Industrial Property (ONAPI) â€" Trade name search (in Spanish)
- General Directorate of Public Procurement â€" Provider search (in Spanish)
- Santo Domingo â€" Santo Domingo Chamber of Commerce and Production (in Spanish)
- Superintendency of Companies (in Spanish)
- Internal Revenue Service (SRI) â€" Company check (in Spanish)
- National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) â€" Business Directory (in Spanish)
- National Secretariat of Policy Management â€" Directory of Social Organizations (in Spanish)
- Official Public Procurement System â€" Provider search (in Spanish)
- Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade â€" Egyptian International Trade Point
- General Authority for Free Zones and Investment
El Salvador
- National Center of Registries â€" List of registered businesses (in Spanish)
- Official Gazette search (in Spanish)
- Salvadoran Institute of Social Security â€" Solvent companies (in Spanish)
- Public Procurement Unit (UNAC) â€" List of providers (in Spanish)
- Ministry of Information â€" Official journal (Haddas Ertra) (in Tigrinya)
- Centre of Registers and Information Systems
- Financial Supervision Authority â€" Supervised Entities
- Ministry of Trade
- Fiji Government â€" Companies and Business Registration (registration required)
- Finnish Trade Register â€" Company Search
- BIS Information Service
- Ã…land â€" Ã…land Online â€" Companies, Organizations and Associations
- Register of Commerce (Infogreffe) (in French)
- INSEE â€" Company search (Sirene) (in French)
- French Greffe of the Tribunal de Commerce of Paris
- Journal officiel de la République française â€" Bulletin of Obligatory Legal Announcements (in French)
- Official Bulletin of Civil and Commercial Notices (Bodacc) (in French)
- Autorité des marchés financiers â€" Decisions and financial disclosures database (BDIF)
- Investment Promotion Agency (Centre de Développement des Entreprises) (not searchable) (in French)
- iCommerce Registry (registration required)
- Public Registry (in Georgian)
- German Trade Register â€" Company Search
- Bundesanzeiger â€" Company Register
- Federal Financial Supervisory Authority â€" Listed companies (in German)
- Registrar General's Department
- Public Procurement Authority â€" Registered Suppliers and Contractors
- Companies House Gibraltar (subscription required)
- General Commercial Registry (Î"ενικό ΕμποÏικό ΜητÏώο) (in Greek)
- Official gazette â€" Company search (in Greek)
- Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry (EBEA)
- Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property (not searchable)
- Mercantile Registry (subscription required) (in Spanish)
- State Procurement System â€" Provider search (in Spanish)
Guernsey, Channel Islands
- Guernsey Registry
- Investment Promotion Agency (in French)
- Ministry of Legal Affairs â€" Deeds Registry (not searchable)
- The Official Gazette of Guyana
- Georgetown â€" Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry â€" Directory of Members
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry â€" Electronic Commerce Registry (in French)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry (in Spanish)
- Executive Directorate of Income â€" company tax identification code (RTN) check (in Spanish)
- State Office Procurement (ONCAE) â€" Provider search (in Spanish)
- Ministry of Justice â€" Company Information and Electronic Company Registration Service (in Hungarian)
- Hungarian National Bank â€" Financial Services Register and supervision of listed companies on Budapest Stock Exchange
- Directorate of Internal Revenue â€" Company Directory (in Icelandic)
- Ministry of Corporate Affairs â€" Find Company/LLP
- Ministry of Industry â€" Industrial Company Directory (in Indonesian)
- Ministry of Trade â€" Corporate Directory
- Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) (in Indonesian)
- Indonesia Charter bus â€" Transportation
- Legal Entities National ID Portal (in Persian)
- Official Journal (RRK) (in Persian)
- Official Journal (Dastour) (in Persian)
- Official Journal (in Persian) â€" For older gazette filings
- Tehran â€" Tehran Chamber of Commerce and Industries and Mines â€" Trade Directory (in Persian)
- DigiPedia Co
- Ministry of Trade â€" Iraq Registrar of Companies
- Baghdad â€" Chamber of Commerce â€" Companies Search (in Arabic)
- Erbil â€" Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Companies List
- Companies Registration Office â€" Company Search
- Companies Registration Office â€" Registry of Friendly Societies
Isle of Man
- Isle of Man Companies Registry
- Israel Company Register â€" Additional details available in company extract
- Justice Ministry â€" Israeli Corporations Authority (in Hebrew)
- Justice Ministry â€" Israeli Corporations Authority (in Hebrew) â€" Additional details available in company extract
- Israel Export Institute â€" Catalogue of Member Companies
- Israel Securities Authority â€" List of Public Companies
- Ministry of Construction â€" Contractors Registrar
- Business Register of the Italian Chambers of Commerce
- Infoimprese (in Italian)
- Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa â€" Listed Companies
- Office of the Registrar of Companies
- National Contracts Commission â€" Registered Contractors
- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry - Company Search (registration required) (in Japanese)
Jersey, Channel Islands
- Jersey Financial Services Commission â€" Companies Registry
- Companies Control Department (in Arabic)
- Ministry of Industry and Trade â€" Trade Names
- Securities Depository Center â€" Public Shareholding Companies
- Ministry of Justice â€" Database of legal entities
- State Revenue Committee â€" Legal entities
- Tax Committee of the Ministry of Finance â€" Legal entities (in Russian)
- Business Licenses
- State Law Office â€" Registrar General (not searchable)
- National Construction Authority â€" Registered Contractors
- Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Cooperatives (not searchable)
- Ministry of Trade and Industry â€" Business Registration Agency
- Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Company Search (in Arabic)
- Kuwait Stock Exchange â€" Listed Companies
- Ministry of Justice â€" Register of Legal Entities (in Russian)
- Ministry of Industry and Commerce â€" Registered Enterprises
- Register of Enterprises
- Database of all companies registered in Latvia
- Investment Development Authority of Lebanon
- Ministry of Trade, Industry, Cooperatives and Marketing
- Liberia Business Registry
- Office of Justice â€" Commercial Register (in German)
- Register of Legal Entities
- Trade and Companies Register (in French)
- Official Gazette (Legilux) (in French)
- Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier - Supervised entities
- Central Registry (in Macedonian)
- Securities and Exchange Commission â€" Registry of joint stock companies
- Economic Development Board of Madagascar â€" List of companies
- General Directorate of Taxes (DGI) â€" Taxable entity search (registration required) (in French)
- Malta Financial Services Authority â€" Registry of Companies
- Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs â€" Registrar General (not searchable)
- Companies Commission of Malaysia â€" Company search (subscription required)
- Labuan â€" Labuan Financial Services Authority (registration required)
- Ministry of Economic Development
- Investment Promotion Agency (in French)
Marshall Islands
- Marshall Islands Maritime & Corporate Administrators
- Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture (Click on "Répertoires des entreprises") (in French)
- Ministry of Finance and Economic Development â€" Companies Division
- Secretariat of Economy â€" National Business Information Registry (SIEM) (in Spanish)
- Secretariat of Economy â€" Company name search (in Spanish)
- Secretariat of Economy â€" Integrated System of Registry Management (SIGER) â€" list of all state and municipal commercial registries (in Spanish)
- Mexican Institute of Industrial Property â€" Trade name search (in Spanish)
- Registry of Suppliers and Contractors (RUPC) (in Spanish)
- ProMéxico â€" Directory of Exporters (in Spanish)
State registries
Micronesia, Federated States of
- Registrar of Companies â€" Listing of FSM Corporations
- Licensing Chamber
- Ministry of Justice â€" State Registration Chamber (in Romanian)
- Ministry of Justice â€" State Register of Non-Profit Organizations (in Romanian)
- State Tax Service â€" Taxable entity search (in Romanian) â€" search by Unique State Identification Number (IDNO)
- State Tax Service â€" List of taxable entities (in Romanian)
- Registry of Commerce and Industry (in French)
- General Authority for Intellectual Property and State Registration
- Central Registry of Business Entities
- Montenegro Stock Exchange â€" Company search
- Financial Services Commission (not searchable)
- Central Trade Registry (OMPIC) (subscription required) (in French)
- Central Trade Registry (OMPIC) (in French)
- Financial Markets Authority (CDVM) â€" Listed Companies
- Casablanca â€" Register of Commerce (in French)
- Fès â€" Register of Commerce (in French)
- Marrakech â€" Register of Commerce (in French)
- Meknès â€" Register of Commerce (in Arabic)
- Oujda â€" Register of Commerce (in Arabic)
- Rabat â€" Register of Commerce (in French)
- Salé â€" Register of Commerce (in French)
- Tangier â€" Register of Commerce (in French)
- Bulletin of the Republic (in Portuguese)
- Directorate of Investment and Company Administration
- Ministry of Trade and Industry (not searchable)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Member Directory (registration required)
- Registrar of Corporations
- Office of Company Registrar
- Trade Register â€" Company search (subscription required) (in Dutch)
Caribbean Netherlands
- Bonaire Commercial Register
- Sint Eustatius and Saba Commercial Register
New Zealand
- Companies Office â€" Search for companies, company directors or shareholders
- Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade (in Spanish)
- General Revenue Service (DGI) â€" Business search (in Spanish)
- General Directorate of State Procurement â€" Provider search (in Spanish)
- National Institute of Statistics â€" Directory of Companies (in French)
- Corporate Affairs Commission â€" Company Registration Portal (registration required)
- Bureau of Public Procurement â€" Registered Contractors
- Companies Office of Niue
- Brønnøysund Register Centre â€" Company Register (in Norwegian)
- Brønnøysund Register Centre â€" Company Announcements
- Agency for Public Management and eGovernment â€" List of companies (in Norwegian)
- Financial Supervisory Authority â€" Registry of supervised entities
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry â€" Search Company Listings
- Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Trade Directory
- Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan - Company Name Search
- Office of the Attorney General â€" Registrar of Corporations (not searchable)
Palestinian territories
- Ministry of National Economy â€" Companies Registry
- Public Registry of Panama (registration required) (in Spanish)
- Panadata (in Spanish)
Papua New Guinea
- Investment Promotion Authority â€" Entity Search
- Ministry of Finance â€" Taxable entity search (in Spanish)
- Undersecretary of State Taxation (SET) â€" company tax identification number (RUC) check (in Spanish)
- National Directorate of Public Procurement â€" Provider search (in Spanish)
- National Superintendency of Public Registries (SUNARP) (in Spanish)
- National Superintendency of Tax Administration (SUNAT) (in Spanish)
- Supervisory Agency for State Contracts (OSCE) â€" Provider search (in Spanish)
- Department of Trade and Industry â€" Philippine Business Registry
- Department of Trade and Industry â€" Business Name Search
- Securities and Exchange Commission â€" Search Reserved/Registered Company Names
- Ministry of Justice â€" National Court Register (in Polish)
- Ministry of Development â€" Central Registration and Information on Business
- Central Statistical Office â€" National Official Business Register (in Polish)
- Citizen Portal â€" Company search (in Portuguese)
- Ministry of Justice â€" Entity Search
- Ministry of Business and Trade â€" Companies Control Department (Hukoomi) (registration required)
- Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Business Directory
- Qatar Financial Centre Authority â€" Public Register
- Ministry of Public Finance â€" Business search (in Romanian)
- Ministry of Justice â€" The National Trade Register Office (ONRC) (registration required) (in Romanian)
- Ministry of Justice â€" The National Trade Register Office (in Romanian)
- Financial Supervisory Authority (in Romanian)
- Bucharest Stock Exchange â€" Companies directory
Russian Federation
- Federal Tax Service â€" Unified State Register of Legal Entities (in Russian)
- National Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (in Russian)
- Office of the Registrar General (ORG)
- Rwanda Revenue Authority â€" VAT Registered Taxpayers
Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Financial Services Regulatory Commission â€" Registrar of Companies (registration required)
- Nevis Financial Regulatory Services Commission
Saint Lucia
- Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property (ROCIP)
- Registry of International Business Companies and International Trusts (Pinnacle)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Commerce and Intellectual Property Office (subscription required)
- Samoa Company Registry
San Marino
- Trade Register
São Tomé and PrÃncipe
- Ministry of Justice â€" Company Registry
Saudi Arabia
- Ministry of Commerce and Industry (in Arabic)
- Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority â€" License Search (in Arabic)
- Riyadh â€" Riyadh Chamber of Commerce & Industry (in Arabic)
- Jeddah â€" Jeddah Chamber of Commerce & Industry â€" Business Directory
- Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Handicrafts â€" Trade Point Senegal (in French)
- Industry Observatory of Senegal (OBS) (in French)
- The Serbian Business Registers Agency (in Serbian)
- Central Securities Depository and Clearing House
- Securities Commission â€" Public Company Register (in Serbian)
- National Bank of Serbia â€"; Lists of Providers of Financial Services
- Seychelles Business Register (onshore companies only)
- Seychelles Financial Services Authority (not searchable)
Sierra Leone
- Office of the Administrator and Registrar General
- Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority â€" Entity search (subscription required)
- Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore â€" GST Registered Business Search
- Monetary Authority of Singapore â€" Financial Institutions Directory
- Ministry of Justice - Business Register
- Slovenian Business Register (registration required)
- Financial Administration â€" List of taxable legal entities (in Slovene)
- Central Securities Clearing Corporation
- Securities Market Agency â€" List of public companies
Solomon Islands
- Company Haus of Solomon Islands
South Africa
- Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC)
South Korea
- Start-Biz Online (in Korean)
- Small and Medium Business Administration (in Korean)
- Supreme Court â€" Registry (in Korean)
- Financial Supervisory Service â€" Repository of Korea's Corporate Filings
South Sudan
- Ministry of Justice â€" Business Registry (not searchable)
- Central Mercantile Register (Registro Mercantil Central) (RMC) (subscription required)
- Association of Spanish Property & Commercial Registers (subscription required)
- National Securities Market Commission (Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores) â€" Search by entity (in Spanish)
Sri Lanka
- Department of Registrar of Companies
Sint Maarten
- St. Maarten Chamber of Commerce & Industry (not searchable)
- Ministry of Justice â€" Commercial Registrations Department (in Arabic)
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Registrar of Companies (not searchable)
- Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket)
- Financial Supervisory Authority â€" Listed company search (Börsinformation)
- Financial Supervisory Authority â€" Company register
- Swiss company registers are organized at cantonal level
- Federal Commercial Registry Office â€" Central Business Names Index (Zefix)
- Official Gazette of Commerce
- Tax Committee â€" Register of Legal Entities (in Russian)
- Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA)
- Ministry of Commerce â€" Department of Business Development
- Institute for Business Support â€" Enterprises
- Service Registry and Company Verification (not yet searchable) (in Portuguese)
- Official Gazette (in Portuguese)
- Business Registries Office
- Business Start-up Center (in French)
- Registry of Commerce (in French)
- Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation - Directory of industrial enterprises
- Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey â€" Turkish Trade Registry Gazette
- Central Registration System (MERSÄ°S) (registration required) (in Turkish)
- Turkish Standards Institution â€" Company Search
- Adana - Adana Chamber of Commerce â€" Trade Name Search
- Aksaray - Aksaray Chamber of Commerce (in Turkish)
- Bursa - Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Search for Member Companies
- Gaziantep - Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce â€" Member Search (in Turkish)
- Istanbul - Istanbul Chamber of Commerce â€" Company Search
- Konya - Konya Chamber of Commerce â€" Company Directory (in Turkish)
- Mersin - Mersin Chamber of Commerce (in Turkish)
Turks and Caicos Islands
- Financial Services Commission â€" Companies Registry (not searchable)
Trinidad & Tobago
- Companies Registry
- Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission â€" Registered Companies, Individuals & Securities
- Uganda Registration Services Bureau
- Register of Providers
- State Enterprise Information Resource Centre (in Ukrainian)
- State Fiscal Service â€" Business Search (in Ukrainian)
- State Fiscal Service â€" Register of VAT payers (in Ukrainian)
- State Fiscal Service â€" Register of Fixed (or single) tax payers (in Ukrainian)
- State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Markets â€" Integrated Information System (in Ukrainian)
- State Commission for Regulation of Financial Services Markets â€" Other registers (in Ukrainian)
- Ministry of Justice â€" Unified Register of Civic Organizations (in Ukrainian)
United Arab Emirates
- Ministry of Economy â€" Business Name Search
- Securities and Commodities Authority â€" Company Details
- Abu Dhabi - Department of Economic Development â€" Trade Name Search
- Abu Dhabi - Abu Dhabi Business Center â€" Business License Search
- Abu Dhabi - Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Commercial Directory
- Abu Dhabi - Abu Dhabi Global Market Registration Authority
- Abu Dhabi - Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange â€" Listed Companies
- Ajman - Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Commercial Search
- Ajman - Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Industrial Search
- Ajman - Ajman Free Zone â€" Directory
- Dubai - Department of Economic Development â€" Trade Name Search
- Dubai - Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Commercial Directory
- Dubai - Dubai Financial Market â€" Listed Companies
- Dubai - Dubai Financial Services Authority â€" Public Register
- Dubai - Dubai International Financial Centre â€" Client Directory
- Dubai - Dubai Airport Freezone â€" Directory
- Dubai - Jebel Ali Free Zone â€" Client Directory
- Dubai - Dubai Internet City â€" Partners Directory
- Dubai - Dubai Knowledge Village â€" Partners Directory
- Dubai - NASDAQ Dubai â€" Listed Companies
- Fujairah - Chamber of Commerce and Industry â€" Business Directory
- Fujairah - Fujairah Free Zone â€" Company Listing
- Ras Al Khaimah â€" Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority
- Sharjah â€" Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Business Directory
- Sharjah â€" Hamriyah Free Zone â€" Directory
- Sharjah â€" Sharjah Airport International Free Zone - Investor Directory
- Umm al-Quwain â€" Chamber of Commerce and Industry (in Arabic)
United Kingdom
- Companies House â€" Search for Companies
- Financial Conduct Authority â€" Financial Services Register
United States
- U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission - Search for Company Filings
State registries
District/Territorial registries
- District of Columbia â€" Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs â€" Corporations Division (registration required)
- Guam â€" Department of Revenue and Taxation â€" General Licensing and Registration Branch (not searchable)
- Northern Mariana Islands â€" Department of Commerce â€" Registrar of Corporation (not searchable)
- Puerto Rico â€" Puerto Rico Department of State â€" Corporations Search
- United States Virgin Islands â€" Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs
- Agency for Development of Electronic Government and Society of Information and Knowledge (AGESIC) â€" Incorporated businesses (e-Diario) (in Spanish)
- Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining â€" Directory of Industrial Enterprises (in Spanish)
- National Institute of Statistics â€" Directory of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (in Spanish)
- Official Gazette search (in Spanish) (registration required)
- State Purchasing and Contracting Agency â€" Provider search (in Spanish)
- Investment and Export Promotion Institute â€" Directory of Exporters (in Spanish)
- State Tax Committee â€" VAT payers (in Uzbek)
- Vanuatu Financial Services Commission
- National Procurement Service (RNC) â€" Registered government contractor search (in Spanish)
- SENIAT â€" company tax identification code (RIF) check (in Spanish)
- Supreme Tribunal of Justice â€" Official Gazette (in Spanish)
- Autonomous Registries and Notaries Service (not searchable) (in Spanish)
- Ministry of Planning and Investment â€" Agency of Business Registration (in English)
- Ministry of Planning and Investment â€" E-gazette search
- Ministry of Finance - General Department of Taxation â€" Taxpayer Directory (in Vietnamese)
- Ministry of Industry and Trade (in Arabic)
- Patents and Companies Registration Agency
- Zambia Revenue Authority â€" Taxpayer Search (Click on "Other e-Services")
- Department of Deeds, Companies & Intellectual Property
See also
- Legal Entity Identifier
- Statistical business register
- Corporate Registers Forum
- European business register
- OpenCorporates
- List of financial regulatory authorities by country
- List of offshore financial centres
- List of stock exchanges
External links
- European Commission - Business registers in Member States
- Investigative Dashboard - External Databases
- List of company registers at Curlie (based on DMOZ)
- Global Open Data Index - Company Register
- OpenCorporates.com - All company registers