
Sabtu, 20 Mei 2017

Psychosis (290â€"299)

Organic psychotic conditions (290â€"294)an>

  • (290) Dementias
    • (290.0) Senile dementia, uncomplicated
    • (290.1) Presenile dementia
    • (290.2) Senile dementia with delusional or depressive features
    • (290.3) Senile dementia with delirium
    • (290.4) Vascular dementia
    • (290.8) Other specified senile psychotic conditions
    • (290.9) Unspecified senile psychotic condition
  • (291) Alcoholic psychoses
    • (291.0) Alcohol withdrawal delirium
    • (291.1) Alcohol-induced persisting amnestic disorder
    • (291.2) Alcohol-induced persisting dementia
    • (291.3) Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
    • (291.4) Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication
    • (291.5) Alcohol-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
  • (292) Drug psychoses
    • (292.0) Drug withdrawal
    • (292.1) Drug-induced psychotic disorders
      • (292.11) Drug-induced psychotic disorder with delusions
      • (292.12) Drug-induced psychotic disorder with hallucinations
    • (292.2) Pathological drug intoxication
    • (292.8) Other specified drug-induced mental disorders
      • (292.81) Drug-induced persisting delirium
      • (292.82) Drug-induced persisting dementia
      • (292.83) Drug-induced persisting amnestic disorder
      • (292.84) Drug-induced mood disorder
      • (292.85) Drug-induced sleep disorders
      • (292.89) Other specified drug-induced mental disorders
    • (292.9) Unspecified drug-induced mental disorder
  • (293) Transient organic psychotic conditions
    • (293.0) Delirium, conditions classified elsewhere
    • (293.84) Anxiety disorder in conditions classified elsewhere
  • (294) Other organic psychotic conditions (chronic)
    • (294.0) Amnestic disorder in conditions classified elsewhere
    • (294.1) Dementia in conditions classified elsewhere
      • (294.10) Dementia in conditions classified elsewhere without behavioral disturbance
      • (294.11) Dementia in conditions classified elsewhere with behavioral disturbance
    • (294.2) Dementia, unspecified
      • (294.20) Dementia, unspecified without behavioral disturbance
      • (294.21) Dementia, unspecified with behavioral disturbance
    • (294.8) Other persistent mental disorders due to conditions classified elsewhere
    • (294.9) Unspecified persistent mental disorders due to conditions classified elsewhere

Other Disorders (295â€"299)

  • (295) Schizophrenic disorders
    • (295.0) Simple type schizophrenia
    • (295.1) Hebephrenic type schizophrenia
    • (295.2) Catatonic type schizophrenia
    • (295.3) Paranoid type schizophrenia
    • (295.4) Acute schizophrenic episode
    • (295.5) Latent schizophrenia
    • (295.6) Residual schizophrenia
    • (295.7) Schizoaffective disorder
    • (295.8) Other specified types of schizophrenia
    • (295.9) Unspecified schizophrenia
  • (296) Episodic mood disorders
    • (296.0) Manic disorder, single episode
    • (296.1) Manic disorder, recurrent episode
    • (296.2) Major Depression, single episode
    • (296.3) Major Depression, recurrent episode
    • (296.4) Bipolar affective disorder, manic
    • (296.5) Bipolar affective disorder, depressed
    • (296.6) Bipolar affective disorder, mixed
    • (296.7) Bipolar disorder, unspec.
    • (296.8) Manic-depressive psychosis, other and unspecified
    • (296.9) Other and unspecified affective psychoses
  • (297) Paranoid states
    • (297.0) Paranoid state, simple
    • (297.1) Paranoia
    • (297.2) Paraphrenia
    • (297.3) Induced psychosis
    • (297.8) Other specified paranoid states
    • (297.9) Unspecified paranoid state
  • (298) Other nonorganic psychoses
    • (298.0) Depressive type psychosis
    • (298.1) Excitative type psychosis
    • (298.2) Reactive confusion
    • (298.3) Acute paranoid reaction
    • (298.4) Psychogenic paranoid psychosis
    • (298.8) Other and unspecified reactive psychosis
    • (298.9) Unspecified psychosis
  • (299) Psychoses with origin specific to childhood
    • (299.0) Infantile autism
    • (299.1) Disintegrative psychosis
    • (299.8) Other specified pervasive developmental disorders
    • (299.9) Unspecified pervasive developmental disorder

Neurotic disorders, personality disorders, and other nonpsychotic mental disorders (300â€"316)

Neurotic disorders (300)

  • (300) Neurotic disorders
      • (300.00) Anxiety states
      • (300.01) Panic disorder, no agoraphobia
      • (300.02) Generalized anxiety disorder
    • (300.1) Hysteria
      • (300.11) Conversion disorder
      • (300.15) Dissociative disorder not otherwise specified
    • (300.2) Phobic state
      • (300.21) Agoraphobia w/ panic
      • (300.23) Social Anxiety Disorder
    • (300.3) Obsessive-compulsive disorders
    • (300.4) Neurotic depression
    • (300.5) Neurasthenia
    • (300.6) Depersonalization syndrome
    • (300.7) Hypochondriasis
    • (300.8) Other neurotic disorders
      • (300.81) Somatization disorder
    • (300.9) Neurosis, NOS

Personality disorders (301)

  • (301) Personality disorders
    • (301.0) Paranoid personality disorder
    • (301.1) Affective personality disorder
    • (301.2) Schizoid personality disorder
    • (301.3) Explosive personality disorder
    • (301.4) Anankastic personality disorder
    • (301.5) Hysterical personality disorder
    • (301.6) Asthenic personality disorder
    • (301.7) Personality disorder with predominantly sociopathic or asocial manifestation
    • (301.8) Other personality disorders
      • (301.81) Narcissistic personality disorder
      • (301.83) Borderline personality disorder
    • (301.9) Personality disorder, unspec.

Psychosexual disorders (302)

  • (302) Sexual deviations and disorders
    • (302.0) Ego-dystonic sexual orientation; until 1990: Homosexuality
    • (302.1) Bestiality
    • (302.2) Pedophilia
    • (302.3) Transvestism
    • (302.4) Exhibitionism
    • (302.5) Trans-sexualism
    • (302.6) Disorders of psychosexual identity
    • (302.7) Frigidity and impotence
      • (302.71) Psychosexual dysfunction, inhibited desire
      • (302.72) Impotence, psychosexual dysfunction
      • (302.72) Psychosexual dysfunction, inhibited excitation
      • (302.75) Psychosexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation
      • (302.76) Dyspareunia, psychogenic
    • (302.8) Other specified psychosexual disorders
      • (302.81) Sexual fetishism
      • (302.82) Voyeurism
      • (302.83) Sexual masochism
      • (302.84) Sexual sadism
      • (302.85) Gender identity disorder in adolescents or adults
      • (302.89) Other
        • Frotteurism
        • Nymphomania
        • Satyriasis
        • Dendrophilia
    • (302.9) Unspecified psychosexual disorder

Psychoactive substance (303â€"305)

  • (303) Alcohol dependence syndrome
    • (303.0) Alcohol intoxication, acute, unspec.
    • (303.9) Other and unspecified alcohol dependence
      • Chronic alcoholism
      • Dipsomania
  • (304) Drug dependence
    • (304.0) Morphine type dependence
    • (304.1) Barbiturate type dependence
    • (304.2) Cocaine dependence
    • (304.3) Cannabis dependence
    • (304.4) Amphetamine and other psychostimulant dependence
    • (304.5) Hallucinogen dependence
    • (304.6) Other specified drug dependence
    • (304.7) Combinations of morphine type drug with any other
    • (304.8) Combinations excluding morphine type drug
    • (304.9) Unspecified drug dependence
  • (305) Nondependent abuse of drugs
    • (305.0) Nondependent alcohol abuse
    • (305.1) Nondependent tobacco use disorder
    • (305.2) Nondependent cannabis abuse
    • (305.3) Nondependent hallucinogen abuse
    • (305.4) Nondependent sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic abuse
    • (305.5) Nondependent opioid abuse
    • (305.6) Nondependent cocaine abuse
    • (305.7) Nondependent amphetamine or related acting sympathomimetic abuse
    • (305.8) Nondependent antidepressant type abuse

Other (primarily adult onset) (306â€"311)

  • (306) Physiological malfunction arising from mental factors
    • (306.1) Hyperventilation
    • (306.3) Pruritus, psychogenic
    • (306.4) Psychogenic GI symptoms
    • (306.8) Bruxism
  • (307) Special symptoms or syndromes, not elsewhere classified
    • (307.0) Stuttering
    • (307.1) Anorexia nervosa
    • (307.2) Tic disorder, unspec.
      • (307.23) Tourette's disorder
    • (307.4) Specific disorders of sleep of nonorganic origin
      • (307.41) Insomnia, transient
      • (307.42) Sleep disorder, persistent
      • (307.45) Jet lag syndrome
      • (307.46) Somnambulism
    • (307.5) Other and unspecified disorders of eating
      • (307.51) Bulimia nervosa
      • (307.52) Pica
    • (307.6) Enuresis
    • (307.7) Encopresis
    • (307.8) Pain, psychogenic
      • (307.81) Headache, tension
  • (308) Acute reaction to stress
    • (308.0) Predominant disturbance of emotions
    • (308.1) Predominant disturbance of consciousness
    • (308.2) Predominant psychomotor disturbance
    • (308.3) Other acute reactions to stress
    • (308.4) Mixed disorders as reaction to stress
  • (309) Adjustment reaction
    • (309.0) Adjustment disorder, depressive
    • (309.1) Depressive Reaction Prolonged
    • (309.2) With predominant disturbance of other emotions
    • (309.8) Other specified adjustment reactions
      • (309.81) Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • (310) Specific nonpsychotic mental disorders following organic brain damage
    • (310.0) Frontal lobe syndrome
    • (310.1) Organic personality syndrome
    • (310.2) Post-concussion syndrome
  • (311) Depressive disorder, not elsewhere classified
    • (311.0) Depression, NOS

Mental disorders diagnosed in childhood (312â€"316)

  • (312) Disturbance of conduct, not elsewhere classified
    • (312.0) Unsocialized disturbance of conduct
    • (312.1) Socialized disturbance of conduct
    • (312.2) Compulsive conduct disorder
    • (312.3) Mixed disturbance of conduct and emotions
      • (312.30) Impulse control disorder unspecified
      • (312.31) Pathological gambling
      • (312.32) Kleptomania
      • (312.33) Pyromania
      • (312.34) Intermittent explosive disorder
      • (312.35) Isolated explosive disorder
    • (312.8) Conduct disorder, other
    • (312.9) Conduct disorder, unspecified
  • (313) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence
    • (313.0) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence with anxiety and fearfulness
    • (313.1) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence with misery and unhappiness
    • (313.2) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence with sensitivity, shyness and social withdrawal
    • (313.3) Relationship problems
    • (313.8) Disturbance of emotions specific to childhood and adolescence, other or mixed
  • (314) Hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood
    • (314.0) Simple disturbance of activity and attention
    • (314.1) Hyperkinesis with developmental delay
    • (314.2) Hyperkinetic conduct disorder
    • (314.8) Other specified manifestations of hyperkinetic syndrome
    • (314.8) Hyperkinetic syndrome, unspecified
  • (315) Specific delays in development
    • (315.0) Specific reading retardation
    • (315.1) Specific arithmetical retardation
    • (315.2) Other specific developmental learning difficulties
    • (315.3) Developmental speech or language disorder
      • (315.31) Expressive language disorder
      • (315.32) Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder
      • (315.34) Speech and language developmental delay due to hearing loss
      • (315.39) Other developmental speech disorder
    • (315.4) Specific motor retardation
    • (315.5) Mixed development disorder
    • (315.8) Other specified delays in development
    • (315.9) Learning disability/developmental delay, NOS
  • (316) Psychic factors associated with diseases classified elsewhere

Mental retardation (317â€"319)

  • (317) Mild mental retardation
  • (318) Other specified mental retardation
    • (318.0) Moderate mental retardation
    • (318.1) Severe mental retardation
    • (318.2) Profound mental retardation
  • (319) Unspecified mental retardation

See also

  • List of ICD-9 codes
  • ICD-10 Chapter F: Mental and behavioural disorders

External links

  • Manual of the international statistical classification of diseases, injuries, and causes of death (ICD-9). 1977
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